Active Living Lifestyle Collection
The Active Living Lifestyle Collection, includes snowshoes, pedometers, and GPS units, and is provided by Lambton Public Health and Healthy Kids Community Challenge partners. A library card is required to borrow these items. All collections can be renewed unless requested by another patron.
Snowshoes are available for a 7-day loan period. You can place holds on snowshoes through the Library's online catalogue and they will be delivered to your local library. Please note that only four pairs of snowshoes can be borrowed per library card. Adult sizes and kids' sizes are available.
Pedometers are devices that you wear to measure the distance traveled on foot by recording the number of steps being taken, pedometers have proven to be successful in motivating people to walk more. Pedometers are available for a 21-day loan period.
GPS Devices (Geocaching)
GPS (Global Positioning Systems) are used to track your current location. GPS devices can be used to go geocaching. Geocaching is an activity that uses GPS coordinates to lead people on a type of treasure hunt. Containers (or caches) are hidden at specific coordinate locations all over the world, including Lambton County. GPS Devices are available at your local library for a 21-day loan period. Geocaching is a fun way to increase physical activity levels, and to explore local trails. See cache locations.